Old News Items

With the new front page layout, there isn’t a need for the side bar news, so I have moved it all to this post.  In case you want to see it!

07.21.13 Added a new blog entry about star gazing last night, got a pretty cool picture (added to gallery) of the star trails as well. Re Organized the Photos area, added “Photography” Main menu with sub categories, including a new one, Tips, Trick, Tutorials where I will be adding how to posts on the photography techniques you see me use here.

07.16.13 Added a new blog entry, about missing home and how I keep in touch. I also added a few new pictures to the website and facebook page, of the horses nearby. Just can’t get enough pictures of these beautiful creatures.

07.12.13 Added a new blog entry about my first Guinness, right here in a real Irish pub! Also have a link in there (and the “In the news” section) of an interview I did called Top Ten Travel. Updated the “Face of a Traveler” Animation and added some photos to the gallery! Check it all out!

06.30.13 New post up! Also updated the “Face of a Traveler” Animation, and added some pictures to the gallery, and facebook. Be sure to check them out!

06.24.13 I am a guest blogger on MyHeritage.com’s blog! Go over HERE to check it out!

06.22.13 several updates today! Added a blog post about my new sponsor, I/O Merino out of Australia. They make Merino Wool high performance clothes! I also added several new pictures to the main photo gallery. I also updated the “Face of a Traveler” Time lapse animation so go check it all out! I am still enjoying my time here in Ireland, but starting to plan my next steps for when I leave in mid/late July!

06.06.13 A new Sponsor, MyHeritage, has joined the team! See the blog (Travel with more purpose) to read about their services in genealogy and how it will be part of my travels!

06.03.13 Added a new blog post, as well as some new photos to the photo page from Ireland. Also updated the “Face of a Traveler” animation!

05.26.13 Hello! Updated the face of a traveler time lapse picture! Also posted a quick blog entry on my adventure getting to Ireland. expect more soon, and some pictures as well!

Hello from Ireland! Updated the map to show my travel to the Emerald Isle, and the mileage counter, 11768.4 miles traveled! Also Uploaded a couple of pictures to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, taken with my cell phone, check them out in the feed on the right side of the page! I will be posting a blog entry soon, telling the fun tale of making it to the land of my wee little ancestors.

05.18.13 Added a new blog post on vanity. Also announced that I am heading to Ireland today! I’ll be out of contact a few days, then update with the pictures of my trip there!

05.16.13 I changed themes with the website, something I love about WordPress websites. I think this one is a bit more fitting for my needs, and has better support. I added a sub menu on pictures to see some interesting side projects, including a animated time lapse of me over the course of the trek and the same of my guitar as it gets signed by more people! New blog entry coming soon, also some cool announcements!

05.12.13 A special blog for my Mom on Mother’s Day. Also updated the map page to show my travels in the UK so far! 11337.8 Miles!

05.11.13 Added a new blog about my visit to Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral.

05.07.13 Just added the Stonehenge photos as well!

05.07.13 Updated the Blog, the picture gallery and the map pages. I made it to Southampton England on the 3rd and have been catching up since then. I visited Stonehenge yesterday and have tons of photos to edit from that trip as well. Expect more blog updates over the next week. Thank you all and remember now I am in Europe so anyone that wants a postcard, hit up the donation page and I’ll send one along!

04.23.13 Got an internet connection here in San Juan Puerto Rico! Updated the map to show a few more legs (to here) and also want to remind everyone that if you donate 5$ on my donation page, I will send you a post card from the location I am at ! (The next spot will be St. Maarten in the Caribbean and then Southampton England! ) Every dollar helps the journey as well!

04.20.13 Setting sail! I leave via cruise ship to Southampton England today, with a quick swing through the Caribbean first. I will have limited Internet connection during the next 14 days, but will try to take some pictures and update when I get there! Take care, and look for more pictures and stories!

04.09.13 Made it to Ft. Lauderdale Florida after a long bus ride. See the new blog post above for the nitty gritty. I updated teh map on the website to show the new places I’ve been. I also added a counter that I made to look like an LCD display that shows the total miles traveled on my adventure.

04.01.13 Completed the process to transfer the website over to my new host, and also to the new design. There might be a day or two of down time, but I will try hard to get it fixed as soon as possible. Thanks for being patient! Look for another blog entry before I leave Phoenix too, later this week!

03.27.13 Added a new blog post about Phoenix, AZ and the fun I’m having so far!

03.15.13 Beware the Ides of March! Added a section called “In the News” that will contain links and images of mentions of my trip in newspaper, TV, radio etc. Added a few radio segment dates from Ketchikan before and during the trip and a link to an article that was done by the Southern Utah News out of Kanab, UT when I was visiting there last week! Check it out here!

03.04.13 Updated the map page, fixing the map (It had incorrectly shown that I had driven through Canada for some reason). I also added a mileage counter to the page that will update as I go around.

03.01.13 Proud to announce a new sponsor today! Scottevest has come on board this adventure as a sponsor! They are a manufacturer of Men and Women’s Travel clothes that is high quality and integrates technology and excellent design into its products. I will be sporting one of their “Expedition” coats on my journeys, a fitting addendum to my gear list.

02.27.13 Added new pictures and a blog entry about my trip to Zion National Park! It was a great place to visit and see some close up wild life. These images and a couple more where uploaded to the facebook page, so be sure to check that out as well. Also, remember to follow me on Twitter and Facebook for the most up to date info and stories, as well as some things not put up here.

02.23.13 Added a new blog entry about my trip to Page Arizona, and Horseshoe bend. Absolutely lovely place. Also added some pictures from that trip to the website. I am currently in the process of making some short videos that I will putting up, just not sure the content and context of them yet. Hopefully they will be fun and something to let you all know what I am up to!

02.17.13 Added a new blog entry, relating to my visit to the Pink Coral Sand Dunes State Park. Don’t forget to check out the pictures too!

02.11.13 Updated the photo gallery, changed to a different layout, to make it easier to view.

02.08.13 Visited a place near Kanab called Pink Coral Sand Dunes, a state park. It’s an area of sand dunes that have blown in. You can walk down and around the dunes and I managed to get some pictures and they are now up on the site to check out! Hope you enjoy!

02.07.13 Added a few pictures from the Southern Utah area. Also added a new blog entry! Hit BLOG button above to check it out.

02.05.13 I am currently in Kanab, Utah, near the Arizona border. It’s a beautiful area, high desert terrain. It has been very sunny, though chilly. I am going to be in the area for about 2 weeks, and will be exploring nearby canyons and rock formations! Check back often to see the pictures!

01.31.13 Got a chance to visit Nevada Energy’s plant, Walter Higgins, near Primm, NV. The plant is down for a major overhaul of its power generation units. I was hoping to view the rotor and blade set of one of the units come out, but unfortunately there were complications and the rotor didn’t make it out by the time my tour was over. I did get some pictures of the plant and some other interesting things. They are up on the Pictures page. Also added a link to my portfolio page of my photography that I have done previously.

01.27.13 Added a “links” page with links to follow on Twitter and Tumblr. I will also add links to other places as I trek around, places I visit and things I do along the way. Also renamed the “media” page “Pictures” to make it less confusing. Please remember to “Like” the Facebook link and follow me on Twitter! Thanks!

01.25.13 Updated the site with some new pictures I have taken around Las Vegas. I will be heading out soon towards Kanab, Utah next, to house sit for a spell. Please check the blog for more information as to why I got stuck there in Sin city and what I’m up to next!

01.01.13 Happy New Year everyone! Just checking in and letting you know I’m doing fine, just got held up a bit for a while, more info to come.

12.26.12 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! I have made it into Las Vegas after a few days in Canon Beach, OR. Quite a weather shock to go from the coastal storms and snowy passes of Oregon to the dry desert of Nevada, but a welcome sight to see my folks for the holidays. I have updated the Map, and added a few pictures to the media tab. Don’t forget if you’d like a postcard from Las Vegas, go to the donation page and send a few bucks to help me out along this journey! Hope everyone has a happy New Year!

12.20.12 Updated the map page, after landing in Cannon Beach OR, near the Haystack Rocks were part of The Goonies was filmed. I’ll be heading to Las Vegas next, just in time for Christmas to spend some time with my folks. If you are in the Las Vegas area and would like to hang out, let me know via the contact page!

12.14.12 Landed in Bellingham this morning then hopped on a bus to Seattle! Made it to my hotel where I will be staying for a couple nights while I attend a wedding! What a great way to start an adventure! On the website, I updated the map and retooled a few links. There will be a blog post later tonight!

12.12.12 Today is the day! I board the AMHS ferry M/V Matanuska to start my journey towards Bellingham,WA! I will have an appearance on KTKN radio talking a little about the journey and the plans and then board the ferry! Please be sure to keep checking the website and facebook page to see more of the journey as it unfolds!

11.15.12 Did some minor updates to the site, cleaned up some of the links. There is a “going away” party planned for me at a local pub on Saturday the 17th, I will be putting up pictures from that shortly after the event, so stay tuned!

11.06.12 I picked up the guitar that I will be traveling around the world with! It’s a beautiful solid spruce top acoustic with a cutaway and mahogany sides and back, and Fishman pickup built in. I chose the bright blonde top because I intend to have everyone that I play music with along the way sign it so I will have a unique visual reminder of all the jam sessions! Go to the contact page if you are in the Bellingham or Seattle areas and would like to meet up to Jam on December 14 or 16!

10.30.12 I was on KTKN radio today in Ketchikan, announcing my plans for this trip to the public. It was great to see the excitement in host Jonathan Tulli’s face and to talk about all the aspects of the trip that I am about to embark on.

10.21.12 I received the Mountain Magic 50 from Aarn and took it out on a short hike to get used to the bag, as well as take some pictures. I had some friends get a few shots, and they will be up shortly for all to see! Thanks Bill and Cass!

10.09.12 I am pleased to announce that Aarn USA Backpacks has joined in with me as a sponsor for this trip! They will be providing me with some much needed gear as I prepare to begin my trek. I will be posting some pictures of the backpack arrangement they have set up for me. Go visit them HERE to see their arrangement of ergonomically designed bags!

200 Days!

It’s been 200 days since I set out on this adventure, and here I sit blogging from nearly 12000 miles away, in Ireland.  I’ve seen quite a few interesting things and met some very fun and interesting people, but I still have many miles to go before I return home.  I have been staying here for the last 5 weeks, working a few hours a week in return for my room and board, which is an excellent way to really get to know a place and experience the people around.

In the coming weeks, I will be choosing my next point on the map to head towards. It seems as though that will be either Germany or Holland.  I have not fully decided yet, but I will be contacting places that need help to arrange a similar situation to the one I have here.  I will be making the choice based on the available places, types of work and a few other criteria, but mostly I am looking for something new and different than what I know.

Before I leave Ireland, I plan to spend a few days in Dublin to get a little bit of city life in, as well as visit some of the ancient sites nearby like Newgrange and a castle or two before I leave.  I also would like to visit a repository of Irish genealogy, but for those that read my guest blog at MyHertiage.com (LINK)last week know, I don’t really know enough about my Irish ancestors to locate much useful information here yet.  Hopefully I will make a break through before I head out, and can make use of some time here.

For a little update, I added some new pictures to the website and facebook page, check out the Pictures page to see them or facebook.com/tysworldtrek.com.  I also updated the “Face of a Traveler” Animation, adding a few more pictures of my self to that. I will be adding a new section to the website for frequently asked questions soon as well.  Please feel free to email me at media.rettke@gmail.com or visit the contact page (HERE)if you have any questions about me, my trip or travels, and if it’s one I have heard before I will be sure to add it to the list! From these questions I will also get an idea of the things you guys want to hear more about as well so please ask away!

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Thank you all for following me along this journey, I really enjoy hearing from you and knowing that you enjoy seeing my photographs or reading about my adventures!


New Sponsor!

I would like to take this moment to announce a new sponsor signing on with my adventures around the globe!  I/O Merino out of Australia is manufacturer of high end performance apparel made from pure Australian Merino Wool.  They have provided me with 2 shirts and a light jacket to assist in my journey.

IO Merino Logo

When doing any kind of travel, the weight of your gear is a major concern. Even more so when you are living out of a backpack for an extended period.  For the last 6 months I have been carrying my heavy cotton shirts around and putting a lot of wear and tear on them.  Now I will be lightening my load substantially by replacing a few garments with these soft new I/O Merino wool ones.


Men’s Altitude Midweight Longsleeve Zip

Merino wool has been known amongst outdoor enthusiasts for years.  It is light weight, breathable, warm and durable. The wool the I/O Merino uses is harvested from sheep that have been selectively breed over the last 200 years to create the softest and most pure wool in the world.  Merino wool is a high performance fabric in part because it creates a special vapor barrier that allows moisture to be wicked away, keeping your temperature regulated during even the most strenuous activities.  It’s also 100% natural, sustainable and even biodegradable.  Purchasing Merino wool products also helps support small communities in Australia where the sheep are raised. Merino wool is also easy to care for.  Because it is less prone to static build up, it has stain resistance built in, doesn’t actively attract dust and can be machine washed and tumble dried as opposed to some wool which requires hand washing.


Men’s Elemental Jacket

The biggest benefit for me is of course the weight reduction.  While being half the weight of the old cotton shirts, they actually provide better warmth than the cotton does.  They are perfect as base layers as well, being so light and thin.  Stacking a shirt with the jacket proved perfect in the biting Irish wind that picked up last night while I was out taking a few pictures of myself in these new clothes.

I look forward to using these over the next few weeks and providing I/O Merino with some product reviews for their website and some pictures as well. Never thought I’d be modeling clothes!

Men's Signature T

Men’s Altitude Lightweight Short sleeve Tee

One more fun bit! If you are interested in purchasing any of I/O Merino’s clothes, use the following coupon code to get 10% off your order!  TYSWORLDTREK  Enter it at http://www.iomerino.com/ to claim the discount!  They are also running a contest on their facebook page HERE. Just “like” the page and answer a few questions to be entered to win $400 worth of products!