In the first installment of my “Different things to do in Vegas” series, I was treated to an experience using an excavator at Dig This. The concept for Dig This struck owner Ed Mumm, former owner of a Colorado fencing … Continue reading
Category Archives: USA
A year ago today, I was still in Ireland, living and helping out on a rural golf course. There was also a small hotel (Estate house) and restaurant. It was a diverse group that I worked with, from all corners of the world. Inevitably they all wanted to know what I, the only American, was going to do for the 4th of July. I hadn’t really planned anything, other than messaging friends back home to wish them well and ask for photos of our town’s parade and fireworks show.
Continue readingI’ve been back in Ketchikan for a couple months now, working the same old job, and just kind of unwinding after such a whirl wind of an exodus from my travels last year. The winders here in South East Alaska … Continue reading