Hello everyone! I don’t have a lot of time to upload much but I wanted to check in and let you all know that the cruise is going well, despite some weather we ran into each night so far. I have only a short stay here in San Juan, and even shorter connection to the internet. I wanted to show you a cool time lapse gif that I made of the ship leaving our last port of call, Nassau, The Bahamas. It’s a bigger file, but its pretty cool when it starts playing. This is 157 images taken over 25 minutes or so as we pulled out of the port and headed out towards open water.
I also wanted to direct anyone interested in helping out with this adventure to go to the donation page. If you donate 5$ to my trek, I will send you a postcard, hand written, from what ever port I happen to be in at that time. Tomorrow will be the next time I check these and it will be from St. Maarten, way out near the end of the Caribbean! After that, it will be from England! These will be post cards purchased at those locations or the location before and send where I catch your email. Every dollar helps in this adventure, so please grab a post card for you, your kids, or maybe your classroom (for those teachers out there).
Thanks everyone, and enjoy this little clip! (click the image to view it pulling away from the dock)